A. The servicing label identifies the last date of service for a fire extinguisher. It will identify the competent servicing technician, and the approved organisation perform the maintenance service. It is typically white and will be located on the body of your fire extinguisher.
Q. What is a control tag?
A. The control tag is issued by an accredited body, it contains a serial number and a QR code to identify the approved organisation. It is the silver label that is pasted over the servicing label so that the control tag cannot be removed without removing the servicing label.
Q. Why doesn't my brand new extinguisher come with a control tag? Does this mean it's not an approved extinguisher?
A. For new supply of fire extinguishers, it is not a requirement to paste a control tag on the servicing label. It is only used during the servicing for the subsequent years.
The above only applies to commercial end-users. For residential users, the most important thing to take note is to purchase from a reliable and responsible seller, who will minimally paste a servicing label to identify the last servicing date.