A standby hose is a fire fighting hose that is located near the rising mains. During fire fighting, the standby hose will be connected to the rising mains so that there is a ready supply of water for the firemen to use.
Image: Standby Fire hose from Fire Armour Pte Ltd |
Singapore Fire Code 2018:
6.2.2. Number, location and sizing of rising mains
c. Provision of landing valves and standby fire hoses
(2) Where all the exit staircases in a building under PG III to VIII are installed with rising mains and standby fire hoses, and yet part of a floor space is beyond the 38m (30m hose line length and a jet throw of 8m) coverage of any landing valve, an additional standby fire hose shall be provided at the landing valve nearest to this floor space.
6.2.5 Standby Fire Hose for Rising Main
The standby fire hose shall be of 63.5mm nominal internal diameter in order to ensure that the hose coupling will fit existing coupling tail pieces. The hose shall be rugged and capable of carrying water under substantive pressure in accordance with BS 6391. The fire hose shall be of Type 3 as stipulated in the BS 6391.