Q. What type of fire extinguisher should I use at home?
A. Our recommendation is to get an 4KG Multipurpose dry chemical powder fire extinguisher. Most users also purchase a 2KG Multipurpose dry chemical powder fire extinguisher due to it's compact size.
Why a 4KG?
1. A 4KG extinguisher comes fitted with a hose for you to direct the extinguishing agent so you can aim properly.
2. A 4KG extinguisher can discharge twice the amount of powder in the same time as a 2KG. That's twice as effective.
3. The reach of a 4KG is longer at 3.5M while the 2KG's reach is 3M.
Q. What are the best selling items at Fire Armour for residential users?
2Litre Multipurpose Foam extinguisher
2KG Multipurpose Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
3KG Multipurpose Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
4KG Multipurpose Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
Smoke detector with 5 year battery life
Smoke detector with 10 year battery life
Fire Blanket 1.2M x 1.2M (6'x'6')